ATTN: Shop Closed 3/20-3/30 for Ostara, Spring Equinox- to celebrate the balance of light and darkness.
Orders and Payments will still be accepted, and shipped first come, first serve after our short break 3/31.
Enjoy your Spring Break!
Esoteric Garden Hawaii
ATTN: Holiday Closure (First time in 10 yrs): Shop Closed 12/19- 12/27 (Family time)
ORDERS/PAYMENTS WILL STILL BE ACCEPTED & Processed first come first serve 12/28
Happy Spring Equinox!
Aloha Ohana (Greetings with Love family)!
Down on the farm, planting a wide variety of rare botanical specimens, lumberjacking some huge invasive African Fire Tulip trees, listening to the sound of freshwater running through and around us, a personal Hape' Ceremony cancels out the societal noise, and peace can be felt- however fleeting.
"Love is the ultimate outlaw."
-Tom Robbins
Solstice Quickly approaching.
It's the Makahiki (Rain) Season in Hawaii, and all the challenges of working outdoors in the jungle have presented themselves over the last few weeks. Dangerous, period.
All in all, not even the flash flooding, landslides, unsubstantial footing in loose/muddy soil on sheer mountain ridges doesn't stop this train.
Keep up the Good Magick, may your Alchemy be True.
Autumn Equinox is quickly approaching, time for Magick.
Getting the Damn thing done out here, hope you're well & going with the flow.
Sometimes with a lack of direction or clarity, or both... it's important to remind ourselves that the Universe is unfolding as it should, and sometimes we have to let go and put our trust/faith in the process... as sometimes, we don't need to have an opinion- and things aren't always black and white, good or bad- they just are.
I hold my breath more often than not, as it seems most people are saying something because they just want to talk, I'm talking because I have something to say.
Loving you as ever,
-Esoteric Garden Hawaii
8/16/23 Like a Rolling Stone
Weather in Hawai'i used to be predictable, Dry in summer, wet in winter- same temp. year-round. Things appear to have flipped, and it's anyone's guess as to what each day holds. This, as you could expect, makes for interesting days in the jungle harvesting, as flash flooding is Real, injuries happen regularly, and it takes a heap of effort to maintain momentum. But it's done out of tender, loving care. We appreciate your patronage of our small, humble, family farm.
Esoteric Garden Hawaii Ohana (Family)
7/1/2023 How do you make God Laugh? Tell Her your plans.
6/7/23 Limited Quantities for Summer
Our summer is packed with personal endeavors, so we'll have limited harvests and quantities until end of July.
Mahalo for your understanding and patience.
5/11/2023 As Above, So Below
Time keeps on slippin...into the future.
We will have limited bulk quantities available June 6 to July 18, our available inventory will reflect this- So there won't be Large wholesale quantities available during this time, as we will be focused on spending extended amounts of time in the jungle away from technology. Rest assured, we will be processing orders as usual, but limiting bulk orders will give us the time necessary for our endeavors. Mahalo for your understanding, we will be back to processing Bulk orders mid July.
Wishing you the best. Haux.
2/18/23 Manifesting Spiritual Gold
Caught up! wow, LOT of Magick happening.
it's ALL happening
Loving you as ever
02/08/23 Holy Roller!
Within the first 6 days of the month, there's been flashflooding and a month's worth of orders, working non-stop, as everything we've ever put out the door has been processed on an As-Needed basis, providing ultimate viability and Quality.
So we've been working through a hell of a Que, through the Storms.
Mahalo Nui for your patience and understanding, we're shipping you the best.
p.s. our old rural postal lady, Carma, yes Karma with a C, is slow on the draw and definitely on "island time", she literally didn't pull up to the house until sunset today! so we know she'll be just as efficient as updating all those tracking numbers! Literally helped this old lady load boxes and packages of acacia into the back of her truck.
12/19/22 Yule-Tide Greetings & All that Sacred Winter Solstice Stuff
It's truly a Circus out there, and the clowns are definitely running the shit show, a tech savvy global society with lack of authenticity or accountability for personal choices and actions, the world where the crooks run amuck in the disguise of righteous leadership...
But I'll get off my Soap Box, and endeavor to quietly slip out of the scene of the Rat race and check out by checking into the type of participation of my choosing, where the sovereign decisions We make for Our family are our intentions & choices, not a fabrication of what someone else says is Good for us, having Taken back our power from false icons & ideologies that suppress "We the People" & our Pursuit of Happiness.
"I Love you the way certain dark things are to be loved, in secret, between the shadow and the soul."- Pablo Neruda
11/09/22 Samhain & Lunar Eclipse
Magick is Real. It's there waiting for you, go have a look see.
Magick as simple as the space you occupy.
Loving you as ever. See you in the Ether.
10/12/22 Ready to ship
Aloha, the weather is starting to turn to the wet season here in Hawaii.
Harvesting is always challenging this time of year, but at least it's not cold.
Standing by to ship stat. Thanking you as ever. Lots of Love from the family down on the farm!
9/14/22 Nerve damage
So yeah, You don't have a Soul, you ARE a Soul, you have a body.
I stressed my shoulder in the jungle, pinched a nerve somewhere in i'm assuming the brachial plexus, and it's radiating pain down my arm and haven't been able to feel my pointer finger in about a week, fuck...
I have been thinking about it for months, we lost our ability to respond to reviews, which we always really enjoyed, so just want to say a huge THANK YOU to all the folks that have left great reviews for us... it means so much to us to mean that much to you, to take your time to say something nice about us... the word Gratitude falls short of the immensity of love we have for each and everyone of our patrons... you beautiful people have inadvertently helped us build something from nothing.
Be the change you wish to see in the world. -Gandhi
8/16/22 It's Fucking Hot
Not just Hot... say it with me, "it's ...... Hot", beads of sweat down the crack of your ass and in your eyes- that shit burns man, and makes the butt crack feel funny while your trying to dig the roots from the earth. Never mind the God forsaken mosquitoes, can I get an Amen? Can a brother get a Hallelujah?! A'ho!
Life is Good Hombre, water's warm, jump right in!
i'm a little baked and headed to the basement to powder roots if anyone needs me.
6/22/22 Happy Summer Solstice
Well folks, we're really busy, with some large orders, which means folks are out this summer chasing eternity en-masse!
This being prefaced, All unpaid orders <24hrs will be canceled as we are not going to allow our Que to get backed up, as we endeavor to ship all orders within 24hrs to keep the que cleared.
Much appreciation to All our Master Alchemists out there, you know who you are, you magickal fucks you! haha! Geeze Cabrone, Easy!
Zelle has been compromised and they closed our account. This is what Literal Censorship looks like. Banks decide what we can buy and sell, what a world.
Really, the fucking Real Gangsters are running amuck in our Gov and Banking system.
We are the kind of society that lets those fuckers win, fuck.
Our payment options have widdled down to Cashapp or Crypto (which is really bullshit now from ridiculous volatility....
Loving you as ever,
5/1/2022 MAY DAY!
Happy Beltane!
We just had a break, and back to "normalcy"!
Ramping up for summer , harvesting some righteous root bark, living loving learning, repeat.
Hope you all are well rested, conscious, and pushing the boundaries of knowledge for the sake of all sentient beings.
Birthing Pains people, we're all transitioning, and it takes the stronger willed of our species to push through hidden agendas, evil and black magick- as those forces never tire and are playing the "long game"... don't get caught giving away your power, it is only Assumed if it is Given.
Magick is real.
Esoteric Garden Hawaii
April 24th
Holy time dilation, what month & year is it?
Full on harvest of some righteous root bark, standing by friends...
Ready when you are!
Mar 3 2022
Esoteric Garden Hawaii
Feb 20, 2022 Vernal Equinox Approaching
Looking forward to stepping out of the darkness when Spring comes.
Focusing lately on the lessons left by the great Stoics.
Conversations with the dead have always been some of my favorite 'discussions'.
Harvesting some righteous Acacia Confusa,
We, as always, are humbled and thankful beyond words for your support.
Looking forward to the Light, I see it in you.
Jan. 10th, 2022
Happy Western New Year!
May you achieve Health & Happiness.
This year our focus will be to count our blessings, there are many that have yet to be recognized in full consciousness. We create our own reality. Thankful for our roles, thankful for the thankfulness, thankful for the hard lessons, they're hard for all the right reasons.
May your going be easy. See you soon.
Esoteric Garden Hawai'i
Nov. 6 2021
Aloha from the Garden!
Regardless of the Capitalists' world around us, Hope you noticed we have dropped our prices! We are humbled and appreciate your support, as we endeavor to navigate the treacherous waters of remaining a small, family owned and operated business.
Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your support, this means everything to us.
Esoteric Garden Hawai'i
OCT. 3 2021
Rains have started, but i'm heading out into the jungle regardless!
Hoping fall Equinox is bringing some clarity to everyone, a change is always nice.
All of you are loved, and your patronage is supporting a "mom & pop" shop, thank you kindly.
Esoteric Garden Hawaii
9/21/21 Mabon Autumnal Equinox
Aloha from Oahu, Hawaii!
We are starting to conceptualize a Youtube channel to bring some of the esoteric topics to a media platform to help with open-source information on Botany, Alchemy, Brewing, Mushroom Farming and all the other intricate delectable hobbies we have going on around our homestead. Keep an Eye out for Esoteric Garden Hawaii youtube channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCTWgDXajJurmx0vkneYdKlg with our upcoming First Episode with an Interview from a Local Botanical Specialists!
Esoteric Garden Hawaii
8/24/2021 Technical difficulties with CC processing
back and forth with CC merchants, Acacia is a grey area product, and Acacia Censorship is rampant and has caused heartache to us since mid 2018.
We hope to have this back up and running, but otherwise, our long term, trusted patrons have helped us keep the lights on with alternative payment methods like Cashapp, Zelle & crypto currency. These cash payment methods help us all keep BIG Corporations like Visa & Mastercard out of our private affairs (like taking a % of sales they have nothing to do with, or censoring legal items from trading hands)
We are humbled and Blessed for your support.
Esoteric Garden Hawaii
9-2-21 Credit Card Update Message from Godaddy:
Hello Esoteric Garden Hawaii,
Due to a violation of GoDaddy Payment's risk policy, your account as a GoDaddy Payments merchant has been terminated.
Effectively immediately, you can no longer process payments or access your GoDaddy Payments account.
We will be refunding all transactions made to your customers.
If you choose to recharge your customers, you will need to make other arrangements.
GoDaddy Payments Risk Team
What a bunch of Fascists!
7/21/2021 Aloha!
Crypto now accepted for Esoteric Garden Hawaii!
Address for BTC/ BCH: (Bitcoin Cash preferred)
Hope this helps!
Esoteric Garden Hawaii
6/27/21 Aloha from Oahu!
Happy Summer Solstice! Much happening.
Processing and shipping Freshly Harvested Acacia Confusa Root Bark immediately and without delay. Cashapp is working flawlessly for us and is our preferred payment methods that enable us to fulfill order STAT and without delay.
Happy Alchemy!
Esoteric Garden Hawai'i
6/15/21 Summer Solstice Approaching
Caught up on all the stellar orders, shipping everything immediately.
Ready for more Hawaiian jungle...
Aloha from the Islands,
Esoteric Garden Hawaii
5/13/21 Remember
"It's not a war on drugs, it's a war on personal freedom, keep that in mind at all times."- B.Hicks
"Think for yourself, Question Authority.
Throughout human history, as our species has faced the frightening, terrorizing fact that we do not know who we are, or where we are going in this ocean of chaos, it has been the authorities -- the political, the religious, the educational authorities --- who attempted to comfort us by giving us order, rules, regulations, informing -- forming in our minds -- their view of reality. To think for yourself you must question authority and learn how to put yourself in a state of vulnerable open-mindedness, chaotic, confused vulnerability to inform yourself. "- Dr. T. Leary
This is a Consciousness Revolution. We all must individually do our own unique parts in Co-Creating a Reality beyond suffering.
Esoteric Garden Hawai'i
Viva Cinco de Mayo!
Aloha from Esoteric Garden Hawai'i!
May you be Blessed by Beneficent Celestials!
We are Sincere in our work and wish only to help
Esoteric Garden Family
5/8/2021 We've had some trolls attempting malicious behavior towards us, so we've gone "Black & white", restricting our available info. so as not to give any ammunition to the beasts.
You know how we do, and you can always reach out to us personally.
Aloha from Hawai'i
Copyright © 2018 Esoteric Garden LLC - All Rights Reserved. By placing an order, you are agreeing to this disclaimer: The products available have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Statements made on this website have not been evaluated by the FDA. The products listed on this site are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Research all herbals and consult a doctor before beginning any herbal use. Use at your own risk. Do not use any herbals if you are nursing, pregnant, may become pregnant, have medical conditions or are using other herbs or medications. Customers must be over 18 years of age to purchase anything from this site. Esoteric Garden LLC, anyone and anything related to Esoteric Garden LLC and this site cannot be held accountable for any of your actions or choices.